Celebrity "Loosen Up" Auction 2020

A host of the world’s best loved and well-known house-hold names from music, film, TV and sport have pledged their support to Testicular Cancer education and awareness this November, by donating their signed and worn ties and scarves to the Celebrity Loosen Up Auction 2020. All funds raised will help Cahonas Scotland to advance education, awareness and early diagnosis of testicular cancer.

Paul Carrack has kindly donated one of his signed and worn ties, and a signed photograph to this year’s #LoosenUpAuction.

You can check out the item here on eBay.

The tie comes with a certificate from the charity and 100% of the sale of this item will benefit Cahonas Scotland.

Happy bidding! 😊👔

Cahonas are Scotland’s Testicular Cancer charity — educating, creating awareness, eradicating embarrassment and stigma, and installing a new healthy habit that could one day save a life.

“We're on a mission to stamp out late detection of testicular cancer. Giving men the lowdown and educating them on the signs and symptoms of testicular cancer and empowering them to have the confidence to see a doctor if they notice any changes. Early detection means more effective treatment.”

For more information, please visit: cahonasscotland.org

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